Behold it's glory!

Also, went to Cigar Bar in the City to check out an art show by two of my neighbors, Kate Leffler and Anastasia Schipani. it was a really great venue for art, and the bar has an excellent design that feels very relaxed; like an elegant house party. The art was showcased very well, and I'm so excited that these two artists will also be opening their studios during the Open Studio event.
I was also reminded how easy it is to do something like this on a weeknight, provided that you don't start drinking. We went out for dinner, spent time looking at the show, and were back home by 11. I may not be able to get away with dancing into the wee hours of the morning, but I'm not ready to be a shut-in just yet.
I have lots of art and another recipe that I want to share, but it will have to wait until I am a little less busy!